Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sick like the Dog.

So over here we've all been sick. First I puked (ALL OVER THE CARPET).

Then Maya had a bought of about 7 pukes overnight in her bed, and during the next day, and then Naomi threw up once. Needless to say, this house smells like ralph, no matter how much carpet cleaner I use and no matter how many baths we give the kids and no matter how many holiday-scented candles I burn.

And there is no end to the laundry I've been doing. We have a LOT of blankets in this house, and we are totally out. They're all in the wash.

I'm not sure if it's norovirus or what. ( I hear 'tis the season for it.) But we've been very unhappy. For the last two days Maya has eaten two Saltines and three spoonfuls of chicken & stars. Can't even keep water down. Luckily today she bounding around like nothing happened, although her appetite isn't quite back. Me, I'll still feel really nauseated. Want to barf ALL the time.

Let's the hub doesn't catch this things, because it's been miserable.

But for once, I have been able to comfort my babies with hugs and kisses, instead of feeling like they are poison.. I am able to love them, and kiss them, and hug them, and snuggle them, and hole their hair back, and wash out barf buckets. You know, like normal moms. I think my new anti-anxiety med, Vistaril, continues to work, even though it makes me sore sleepy.


  1. :( Feel better soon son!!!

    *virtual hugs* (please don't barf on me.)

  2. Yuck. Hope today is better! Glad at least part of you is feeling better - good to know the medication is working. :)

  3. I am sorry to hear about the puking. BUT I'm doing a happy dance for you here in Ohio that your meds are doing their job! I do wonder however whether I could "wash out a puke bucket" even on medication. I just don't see it happening.....but I have never tried meds so who knows? I can't even re-use a MOP bucket. Okay, I will tell the truth. I have never USED a mop bucket - because I can't stand the thought of looking at the dirty mop bucket water. So when I have others mop for me I warn them to pour the dirty water down my TOILET. Not my TUB for goodness sake! (I have heard some people say they do that!!!) And they have to raise the seat of my toilet when they pour it down - I want no droplets on the toilet seat! Do they heed my warnings? I have absolutely no clue. I can't watch. All I can do is hope. And pray. And pray some more. As I get older, I am buying into the thought that the less I know the better.

  4. Glad the new med is working well!
